Give Yourself Permission to Live the Life You REALLY Want

Episode 81: Join me for this episode, where I talk about how to give yourself permission to live the life you’re meant to live.

Real Brave and Unstoppable Episode 80 Give Yourself Permission to Live the Life You Really Want

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Show Notes:

You’ve been conditioned to ask for permission, but now it’s time to give yourself permission to live the life you REALLY want.

This week I talk about tons of ways we don’t give ourselves permission to be who we really are in life. From giving ourselves the permission to be wrong, to the permission to trust to the permission to be happy – these are all examples of where we don’t give ourselves permission and as a result, we end up living life the way we think we “should” rather than the one we’re destined for.

Listen to the full episode to get all the details!

Do you want to learn more about how I can help you give yourself permission so you can create the life you dream of? Let’s talk!

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meet your host.

Hi! I’m Kortney Rivard. Professional life coach and host of Real, Brave, & Unstoppable. 

I help smart, ambitious women rebuild their lives after a divorce or breakup by helping them manage their emotions, love who they are and take massive action toward creating a life that’s bigger and better than the one they had before.

Yes, it’s hard. But you don’t have to do it alone!

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