How to Bounce Back from a Breakup (or other life upset)

Real Brave & Unstoppable Episode 78 How to Bounce Back from a Breakup

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Show Notes:

If you’ve ever been through a divorce, breakup, or other loss in life, you know that it’s a process to recover.

This week, I talk about the 5 steps I take my clients through when we work together to rebuild their lives after a divorce, breakup, or other life setbacks.

You’ll learn how to re-orient yourself so you can take the first steps toward recovery, why letting go and accepting are paramount to successful recovery, how to reconnect with who you really are, and more.

If you, or anyone you know, is going through a rebuild, let’s talk about how I can help YOU create a new life that’s bigger and better than the one you had before. 

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kortney rivard divorce and breakup coach for women

meet your host.

Hi! I’m Kortney Rivard. Professional life coach and host of Real, Brave, & Unstoppable. 

I help smart, ambitious women rebuild their lives after a divorce or breakup by helping them manage their emotions, love who they are and take massive action toward creating a life that’s bigger and better than the one they had before.

Yes, it’s hard. But you don’t have to do it alone!

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