My Real, Brave, & Unstoppable Story – MVP Episode!

Episode 94: Real, Brave, & Unstoppable is on hiatus through the beginning of August so I can put some energy into planning my September retreat! In the meantime, I am re-airing some of the most popular episodes of all time.

real brave unstoppable episode 94

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Show Notes:

In this episode, a re-air of the very first Real, Brave, & Unstoppable episode, “My Real, Brave, & Unstoppable Story”, I share my own story, my journey, and my inspiration for starting this podcast.

If you haven’t heard it yet, enjoy! And if you have, maybe it’s time for a re-listen!

I also share details of my upcoming September retreat – don’t miss hearing about it!

Do you want to create your own Real, Brave, & Unstoppable story?

Introducing Rise: The Live Retreat Experience

September 8-10 in the gorgeous and serene countryside of Maryland, just 45 minutes outside of Washington, DC.

This retreat is your gateway to writing the next chapter of your life – a chapter that is bigger and better than the one before it. One where you don’t feel stuck and overwhelmed. One where you leave behind your limits and RISE into what’s possible for you.

There are only eight spots available. Is one of them yours?

Book a call to chat and see if it’s a good fit!

Hurry! Space is limited and it’s filling fast. Register by July 31st to take advantage of early bird pricing!

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Other episodes:

The Real, Brave, & Unstoppable full episode catalog


Episode 94: Re-air of Episode #1! My Real, Brave, & Unstoppable Story

Hello, my beautiful friends. And welcome back to real, brave and unstoppable. If you listened to last week’s episode, you may be wondering why there’s actually an episode this week, because last week I told you that the podcast was going to be on hiatus through the first or second week in August while I work on some other things and plan ahead for season three. Well, I rethought that a little bit, and I’m not recording new episodes in this like hiatus time, but I thought I’d bring you some of the most popular episodes of all time. This podcast has been around since may of 2020, and I’ve accumulated almost a hundred episodes. We’re getting close. Uh, so there’s a lot of good stuff in there. And for someone new to the podcast, it’s obviously a little overwhelming to go back and look through all of the different episodes. So I thought I’d bring some of the most popular ones and bring them to the top of the list. So it’s a little bit easier to find them. So I’m calling these the MVP episodes. Most valuable player. But I really should probably call them the MPEs most popular episodes. But anyway, the episode I’m in a re air for you today is the very first episode of real brave and unstoppable, which is my real brave and unstoppable story. So, if you haven’t listened to this one, this kind of talks about my own journey and it also talks about my inspiration for starting real, brave and unstoppable. It’s been fun to go back and listen to some of these older episodes. I first of all will say that my. My podcasting skills have gotten quite a bit better for the last two years. So it’s really a challenge to keep my inner critic in check as I listen to some of these older episodes. The last two years have been quite the ride of just self exploration, self discovery, learning new things, really refining how I work as a coach, you know, continuing to work on my own growth journey and being really excited to help other people that are on that same spiritual, you know, self discovery journey of, you know, creating the life that they really want. So it’s interesting to go back and listen to some of these because while the way I do things is different at the core, the things that I really still believe in, and really my my core values and purpose are really the same. At the moment, one of the things that I am like taking a little break from the podcast to work on is, I’m holding a retreat in September. The second week of September. And what I found is so many of my listeners struggle with feeling lost in their lives, or feeling stuck or feeling like, they just they’re really overwhelmed with what they really want their life to look like. And it sort of seems to be, I want to say a kind of universal problem in that we lose our way. We deviate from what our truth is. And we deviate from what our truth is because of a lot of conditioning and just like things that we’ve learned. Since the time we were little and when we get older, we just don’t really think to question those things and it maybe never even occurs to us that we can question them. And this is really staying in integrity with who you are at your core, your true self. I’m currently reading the book the way of integrity by Martha Beck. I love Martha back and she’s really influenced, my work in a lot of ways. And the book is really about, you know, we suffer because we deviate from our truth. And for me, that’s what this whole journey, this whole real brave and unstoppable journey is. Is reconnecting with what’s really true for me at my core. And living in alignment with that always. And it’s not always easy. And so my purpose in life is really that. And I believe that’s all of our purposes in life is, you know, we search so much for our purpose, but I really believe that that’s what we’re all here for is to reconnect with our truth. And live that in whatever way we bring that to the world. That’s what we’re here for to be more of who we are meant to be. So, this retreat that I’m holding in September is really about coming home to your truth. Coming home to your heart and, you know, really kind of regrounding and really looking at what you want your life to look like. Most of us tend to, and this is just kind of normal as we tend to build our life based on what’s outside, what we think we should do, or, you know, what’s safe. What’s secure. What others expect of us. And then we kind of match what’s inside to fit that. But what happens is, and this is what you’ll hear about in this episode, is when something outside then crumbles like my marriage and my, my old life did. We’re not left with anything because we don’t know, we’re not connected with our heart and our soul. We’ve we’ve changed it to match what’s on the outside. So, what I want to teach people at this retreat is how to come home to your heart and how to build your life from that place out. So if something crumbles on the outside, you always, always, always have something to come home to. And that’s the beautiful part of this work is that you know, you, do, you always have a place. What you need is already within you. Always has been, always will be. And so I invite you to learn more about this retreat just by reaching out to me, you can email me or you can also, go to my website, And, just schedule a time to talk to me. I only have eight spots and it’s already starting to fill up. It’s going to be life-changing. And I’ve been on retreat many times, and I’ve never been on a retreat where I haven’t had some kind of huge aha epiphany transformation, that really changed my life in one way or another. So, if you’re leaning in, if this sounds resonant for you, just reach out to me and we will chat to see if it’s a good fit for you. All right. So without further ado. Sit back, relax and listen to my real brave and unstoppable journey.

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meet your host.

Hi! I’m Kortney Rivard. Professional life coach and host of Real, Brave, & Unstoppable. 

I help smart, ambitious women rebuild their lives after a divorce or breakup by helping them manage their emotions, love who they are and take massive action toward creating a life that’s bigger and better than the one they had before.

Yes, it’s hard. But you don’t have to do it alone!

love all of you-1ksquare

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My Real, Brave, & Unstoppable Story